ACT ON- Creative Methods unlocking Opportunities
With the project ACT-ON, we want to offer to youth workers (youth workers, youth trainers/ facilitators, youth leaders, and mentors of European Solidarity Corps’ Volunteers) an opportunity for continuous professional development so as to support the young people reverse the effects of the pandemic. The project will provide youth workers with practical tools to use in their daily work when working in youth clubs, facilitating meetings with young people, delivering youth training at local workshops and international mobility projects, mentoring young people volunteering with the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) etc.
The project partners are proposing methods from four creative themes to help young people with fewer opportunities develop the Key- Competences described by the Revised Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2018).
The proposed themes are:
- Lego Serious Play® methodology to support the youth to cultivate creativity and innovation, to develop and express innovative ideas, to develop problem- solving, communication and presentation skills
- Music Education as a path to positive youth development; and empowerment of youth (focus on migrant youth) to integrate into the society.
- Drama; to enrich the creative development of youth, to foster their creative engagement and to develop problem-solving skills.
- Photovoice; an empowering and flexible process that combines photography with social action. It will empower young people, including those who are facing the risk of social exclusion.
The themes have been chosen based in the criteria:
- interests of the young people in the partner organisations
- potential of each field to influence the development of competences in terms of knowledge, skills, but also attitudes,
- ease of access for all young people without requiring complex academic knowledge or expensive equipment.
Arista Deka – Cyprus – coordinator
Sistema Cyprus – Cyprus