5-day training event in Magliano (Lecce), Italy
Training Title: Training Youth Workers working with low-performing Youth
Training days: 19 – 23 September 2022
Travel dates: Sunday, September 18th 2022 & Saturday, September 24th 2022
For Who? Youth workers
Language: English
The training activity will be an Intensive Programme (IP) on Emotional Intelligence for Youth Workers. This Intensive Program is organised during 5 days (excluding the travelling days).
It is a unique and transformative experience where invited people gather in a setting dedicated to motivation, equality, leadership through social and emotional intelligence, and social impact.
This event will ensure that a core group of trainers and mentors from each of the countries in the project can meet and work together. This event can be considered a masterclass that will give the chance to the youth workers, through direct personal contact, to exchange ideas, share issues and develop joint solutions. This activity is aimed at the promotion of intercultural and cross-border practices among social educators who are willing to share their teaching experience about dealing with difficult Young people.
The participants will learn that effective communication can be encouraged and developed, and how to motivate these low-performing students.
It is generally acknowledged that social skills and character development are more difficult to attain and harder to change when people get older, so the sooner we start, the better in order to help youth to improve their career opportunities.
It will combine instructional techniques with a peer review and reflection process, which is consistent both with the culture and learning styles of the participating youth workers and also reflective of the diversity of skills, experience, knowledge and contexts that each of the participants bring. The event will be able to reinforce key concepts, best practices and share various perspectives, and knowledge among peers.
The participants will receive an attendance certificate at the end of the activity, a Youthpass and if they wish to a Europass Mobility Document.
The mobility will be hosted by Ce.F.A.S. – Centro di formazione e Alta Specializzazione. Duration will be a total 5 days of activities.
The training will include the following elements:
DAY 1– Intro to the project, the training, the context (Erasmus+ Programme, State of the Art in Youth Work in the partner countries, characteristics and needs of young people who are low- performing at school, early school leavers, and/ or NEET.
DAY 2– Emotional Intelligence Basics. What is Emotional Intelligence? Overview of the theory of Daniel Goleman who made EQ a famous term.
DAY 3– Our approach to EQ. How can we mix EQ practices and non-formal learning in youth work to support young low-performers, school leavers, and NEET.
DAY 4– Practical tools to cultivate EQ in everyday youth work.
DAY 5– Lessons learnt, the appliance of learning in our countries, evaluation, dissemination and follow-up agreements.
Read more about the project WeGROW: EQ Learning for Youth