ATTACH – Adult Education addressing today’s Challenges
One of the most significant challenges European democracies confront today is citizens’ political disengagement. Considering that people are more easily engaged in non-organizational structures, we firmly believe that Adult and Community Educators can and should be better prepared to encourage the civic engagement of adults and seniors, especially those with fewer opportunities. The project “ATTACH – Adult Education addressing today’s Challenges” aims to promote the active civic involvement of adults and seniors through adult education, focusing initially on the professional development of adult and community educators.
To achieve our set goals of stimulating the civic involvement of adults and seniors through sharpening the respective adult educators’ competencies, we focus on learning how to use the following innovating methods:
• Photovoice
• Educational Animation (Video)
• Storytelling
• Kahoot! Quizzes
The project focuses on specific contemporary issues that fall under the umbrella of “Active Citizenship” and its enhancement:
• Human Rights and Climate Change
• The right of the EU Citizens to Data protection and online privacy
• Immigration and tolerance to difference
• Euroscepticism
uDevelop – Germany (Coordinator)
Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute (Fifty-Fifty) – Greece
Pucko otvoreno uciliste Cakovec – Croatia